Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Did you hear Our brains are hardwired for gossip

Did you hear Our brains are hardwired for gossipDid you hear Our brains are hardwired for gossipHave you ever felt that your workplace - which may look like a mild-mannered gathering of people in business casual - is sometimes as treacherous as the infamously backstabbing Court of Louis XIV?Of course you have. Thats why Game of Thrones is so popular in every middle manager fretting over the year-end budget, there is a potential Littlefinger waiting to emerge.So yes, we know the schwimmbad side of gossip the irresponsibility of it, the perpetual factlessness, the maliciousness, the way it tears fremd teams and makes people leave their jobs. Office gossips also tend to be enormous time-welchesters, spending more time talking smack than getting work done.But gossip can be good, too. Yes, take your hands off your ears gossip can be helpful in certain situations. Sure, too much venting and complaining is not helpful, but learning some otherwise-obscure details about your co-workers can teach you who is trustworthy and who you should avoid. Gossip is, in other words, the way that we can engage in the centuries-old human practice of sizing each other up and navigating complex social systems.And guess what? Whether you love it or hate it, gossip is not going away. Because our brains are built for it.Hardwired for socialA new study shows how this gossiping impulse is built into our very neurons. A 2017 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlighted the stakes of developing those social networks knowledge about other people is critical for group survival and may have unique cognitive processing demands.The researchers asked 50 participants to learn biographical information, such as occupation, marital status and personality traits, about fictional people. The participants were then asked to recall that information three days later with different cues like giving the participants a face or a name.In each scenario, the anterior temporal lobe, or ATL, was the neural switchboard coordinating how our brains could represent abstract concepts about a person - Bill is an introvert- and rapidly retrieve this person knowledge.This makes sense our brains are also wired to understand information better when it comes in the form of a story. (Which is why all the great epics, from Beowulf to Gilgamesh, have lasted so long despite their incredible length theyre in story form).Theres another reason we store information about others so well because were always looking for insight into our own behavior.Gossip makes you evaluateyourselfA 2014 study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin defined gossip as positive or negative evaluative talk about someone who is not present. Researchers found that, for better or worse, were social creatures who use evaluative information about others to evaluate ourselves. Do you know anyone who measures himself against a celebrity? Thats why we want to know how were doing compared to the leader s in our species (and feel superior to the laggards).Heres an example Researchers got over 150students at a Dutch university to recall an incident where someone told them positive or negative gossip about a students competence. Students were then asked to reflect on the information with statements like The information I received made me feel that I am doing well compared to X in the group assignment.Learning positive gossip about other people was linked to a self-improvement value, so that learning about other peoples accomplishments allowed individuals to picture similar future success for themselves. Learning negative gossip about others, in comparison, helped individuals with their self-promotion, or a sense of pride. Hearing about others failure allowed individuals to feel good about where they stood in the social hierarchy. Men in the study felt their egos inflate more than women when they heard negative gossip, researchers found.Negative gossip also increased self-protection c oncerns for all recipients, or fears that they too could become objects of bad office gossip.Overall, the researchers found that women were more sensitive to gossip than men, and that men felt less self-protective fear when they heard about negative gossip than women, leading them to conclude women may be more sensitive than men to information revealing a benign or malignant social environment and may also derive their self-views to a higher extent from it.In the end, gossip is like any addictive substance such as alcohol or cigarettes a little may not hurt you, but use it responsibly or you could really feel some pain.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Leaders Set the Work Pace Through Their Expectations and Example

Leaders Set the Work Pace Through Their Expectations and ExampleLeaders Set the Work Pace Through Their Expectations and ExampleEnlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love, and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight, and focused attention. - Deepak Chopra The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If youre in control, theyre in control. - Tom Landry Many years ago, an employee interviewed for what turned out to be her very first job managing people. She welches naive and optimistic, a fact that must have amused the vice president of HR who interviewed her. She asked, Why do you want to manage people? Her answer welches something along the lines of, I know a lot about this area and I feel like I can be agreat mentor to people. Im really excited to share what I know about HR data with others and build a great team. She laughed and said, Ill tell you a secret. Managing people is a pain in the behind. The employee welches given the job anyway, and she started with a heart full of hope and a head full of ideas. But she was woefully unprepared to manage other humans. Sure, she knew HR data like the back of her hand, but she hadnt ever had to exercise leadership skills as a manager before. She got off to a bumpy start, but then, through her own great manager as well as lots of trial and error, she learned how to lead. One of the key points about leadership is that a leader sets the pace throughexpectationsand example. Setting the Pace If youre always in a panic, jumping anytime someone says boo and constantly stressed out about accomplishing all of the work, your staff will experience stress as well. One secret about work is that without meaning to, you can turn a reasonable workload into a complete nightmare of stress. Instead, as a leader, sit down andevaluate whether the pressure you are feeling is real or imagined. Imagined pressure doesnt mean that you dont really have deadlines and clients (internal and external) that make unrealistic demands on your time. Imagined pressure means that you impose on yourself things that arent necessary to get the job done. Sometimes, pressure actually goes away if you push back a little. If youve experienced a manager who was always frantic and constantly putting out fires, you know the affect this behavior has on employees. Everyone was stressed out, all of the time. But most of her pressure was imagined. She had the idea that she had to deliver right now for everything. The reality was that the clients didnt need what she was demanding of her staff. One Friday, she came to her reporting staff at 430 and said that the Senior VP of HR needed this project as soon as possible. She estimated that the proj ect would take about 4 hours of solid work, so everyone would have to work late. Fortunately for her staff, the project description was missing a key piece of information, so they had to call the Senior VPs office and ask about that detail. While on the phone with her admin, the staff membersaid, When does she need this? The response was, Oh, shes presenting the information on Wednesday, so if I could have it by midday Tuesday, that would be great. It was imagined stress and pressure that the boss had placed on her staff and that her staff, in turn, was placing on their staff. They dont know why the boss made up an earlier deadline, as her staff had never missed deadlines, but they also dont know about the reliability of the other players on her team. In this situation, they reduced the stress level by refusing to give into the frenetic pace. Instead, The staff checked client deadlines on their own and relayed the true information to their staff. The work was completed on time, with happy clients, and the work pace stayed manageable. Setting Expectations Do your employees know what you really expect and need from them? Do you sometimes say, X is a priority. and then come back later and ask why they havent finished Y yet?Your expectations are off. Setting expectations is actually easy if you remember to do it. Often you keep things in your head and assume the other person will automatically know what you need. So, instead of saying, Can you finish up this report by the end of the day? say, Can you gather the sales data, put it into the same format as the Anderson report you did last week and ask Karen to proofread it for you? I need to have this finalized report by 500 today, and I already told Karen to expect that report for proofreading by 400 at the latest. Does that work for you? landsee how that differs from Just do it? How would your employee know that you wanted a second pair of eyes to proofread the report if you didnt tell her? How would she know t hat you wanted her to use the Anderson format instead of the Jones format if you didnt tell her? When you walk away from this assignment, expectations are set, and the employee knows what you need. Youve also provided a chance for the employee to voice concerns. Its far better to know that shes going to have trouble meeting the deadline 8 hours in advancethan to be surprised when the report isnt completed on time. A true leader works within reality, and that sometimes means changing expectations. Leading by Example Do you gossip about your coworkers, bosses, and direct reports and then discipline your employees for doing the same? It doesnt provide a good example for employees. One of the best bosses observed was a master at leading by example. By watching her staff members learned how to run a meeting, how to handle an employees personal crisis, and how to push back against unrealistic demands. Do you want employees who get to work on time? Youd better show up on time. Do you w ant employees who are kind to customers? Dont talk about customers behind their backs. Do you want employees who do their work on time, with a high degree of accuracy? Youd best do the same. Sometimes bosses forget that they need to demonstrate leadership as well. A boss can sit in an office barking orders, but a leader gets in there and helps with the work. For several years, a department was responsible for processing theannual salary increasesfor 30,000 employees. That, alone, is a huge amount of work, but the staff had to take it one step further- every single one of those employees needed a piece of paper with their increase on it.In addition, every single manager needed a list of their employees and the ultimately approved salary increase. So that meant that staff had to stuff a ridiculous number of envelopes. Their direct boss was a vice president in a Fortune 100 company. Where was she during the envelope stuffing? Stuffing envelopes with the rest of her staff. Did they all jump when she told them to jump? You bet they didbecause they knew she was right there with them. Now, while there are certainly times when a leader isnt doing the work with you (after all, you have different responsibilities), a true leader does unpleasant tasks when necessary and jumps in to help when its feasible. Your example will shine through and youll be rewarded with a loyal staff that works hard. Characteristics of a Successful Leadership Style Much is written about what makes successful leaders. This series will focus on the characteristics, traits and actions that many leaders believe are key. Choose to lead.Be the person others choose to follow.Provide vision for the future.Provide inspiration.Make other people feel important and appreciated.Live your values. Behave ethically.Leaders set the pace through your expectations and example.Establish an environment of continuous improvement.Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally.Care an d act with compassion.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

FREE Webinar Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search - FlexJobs

FREE Webinar Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search - FlexJobsFREE Webinar Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search -26**This webinar event is over. You can view the full recording of the webinar here Video Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search.The team at is hosting a webinar presented byLindsey Pollak. Lindseyis a bestselling author, corporate consultant, keynote speaker and recognized expert on next generation career and workplace trends. She is the author ofGetting from College to Career Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in theReal World. Lindsey will be providing practical tips and information on using LinkedIn in your job search. has a LinkedIn group and of course, wed highly recommend you join it But to really get the most out of LinkedIn, come to our webinar to get lots of fantastic tips and tricks.When Tuesday, January 22 at 2pm ET (1pm CT, 12pm MT, 11am PT)Topics well be covering includeHow to get started on LinkedInDos and Donts for networking on LinkedInSpecial features to take advan tage ofNew and interesting ways to use LinkedInWhether youre already on LinkedIn or just thinking of starting to use it, this webinar is sure to be helpful for your job search The webinar is free and well be recording it, so if youre unable to make the live webinar, youll still be able to view the full video.To register for this FREE webinar, visit Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search and sign up

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Network Through Twitter to Get a Job

How to Network Through Twitter to Get a JobHow to Network Through Twitter to Get a JobWhen it comes to networking platforms that could help you land that job of your dreams, candidates have a variety of professional and effective options. LinkedIn is the place to connect with movers and shakers in your specific line of work while job boards such as Simply Hired provide a static online parking spot for your resume to be viewed by potential employers. Resourceful candidates, however, would be remiss to overlook the value of 140 turned 280 character canvas that is Twitter. Not just for stream of consciousness loving world leaders, Twitter can be an effective tool in your job-hunting and career-making arsenalif you play your Tweets right, that is.Stay in the KnowWith leading companies increasingly using the program to communicate with their clientele, Twitter is an excellent platform for researching employers and gaining critical industry knowledge. From corporate culture to reputation b randing, Twitter is a hands-on source of information that could prove useful during your interview and beyond. Follow companies youre interested in working for, and across the field as a whole, to stay in the know and keep an ear to the ground for opportunities.Get Out in Front of the CrowdWhile following the Leader is all well and good, Twitter also provides an excellent opportunity to establish your personal credentials as a critical mind and authority in your area of expertise. Links to published articles, helpful insight, or even timely and appropriate witticisms are all big plusses for networking and attracting the attention of potential employers. Retweeting is all fine and dandy, but avoid appearing as if youre only capable of parroting the opinions of others with original content and thoughts.Show Off Your ExpertiseSpeaking of publishing original content, dont just think in the immediate or short-term when it comes to creating your Twitter footprint. Employers will often con duct due diligence on social media accounts before making final hiring decisions on potential candidates. Expert analysis and insights that are shared via Twitter, even if they are only links to other posts, can go a long way towards establishing your credentials in your field. Having a Twitter feed thats relevant, professional and shows that youre interested in more than just clocking in and out of your job can up your chances of landing that job of your dreams.Be Careful What You TweetLast but not least, when it comes to using Twitter to score a job offer, take a lesson from some of todays biggest news headlines and steer clear of anything controversial. While sharing that inappropriate bathroom-humor joke or comparing politicians or public officials to cartoon characters may be good for a short-term laugh, your ability to score a few giggles at the expense of others isnt going to impress a hiring manager considering your application.Uncouth or unprofessional comments on social me dia platforms are often areas of risk and liability for employers. The brde thing a modern company needs is their trusted representative creating the next big news cycle PR scandal. Police your Twitter feed rigorously and keep an eye towards anything that may put off a potential employer less you ruin your chances at landing that job before youre even in the door.The bottom line is think creatively when it comes to networking for that job in todays modern age of social media. While Twitter is certainly a useful platform for perusing pictures of your nieces and nephews and trading drinking stories with your college roommates, the power of the platform for connecting those with common career paths and skillsets is invaluable when utilized to help locate, apply and even obtain an offer for a career-making position.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Set Up and Delete Indeed Job Alerts

How to Set Up and Delete Indeed Job AlertsHow to Set Up and Delete Indeed Job AlertsOne of the best ways to get new job postings quickly is to platzset up a job alert (also known as a job search agent) on the job sites you use most often. Job alerts will email youjob listings that meet your search criteria, as soon as they are posted,enabling you to get your application in early. You can set up alerts based on your search queries, so the jobs you get will match the types of positions and companies youre looking for. Once the alert is in place, youll receive an email message notifying you when new jobs are posted. Job alerts will alsosaveyou time because you wont have to go back to the website and search as often. That said, its still a good idea to search Indeed.com manually a few times a week, so youre sure that you havent missed any relevant job postings. Heres information on how to set up a job alert on Indeed.com, how to edit or change your alerts, and how to delete alerts if you no longer want to receive them. The process will be similar on other job sites. Youll need to register first, then sign up for alerts for the job postings youre interested in. How to Set Up Indeed.com Job Alerts Youll need to registeran account on Indeed.com, or you can log in with your Facebook or Google account to set up email job alerts. Register or Sign In to Indeed. Then search for jobs by job title, keywords, company name, orbythe drehort where you want to work. When you get the search results, click on Get new jobs for this search by email on the right side of the page next to the envelope. You will now see Job alerts activedisplayed. You can also sign up to receive email messages from Indeed, with jobs recommended for you. Once the alert is set up, you will receive a once-a-day notification of new job openings by email. Click on Job alerts active to edit, pause or delete your alert. You will also be able to add alerts for additional search terms and/or locations. The In deed mobile app can also be used to set up alerts and push notifications. How to Edit Indeed Job Alerts If youre not getting the right types of jobs or you want to change the frequency of your alerts, you can edit them. You will need to be signed in on Indeedand then click on Job alerts active to see a list of your job alerts. Click on edit next to the alert to change it. Options to change include What (job title, keywords, or company name)Where (city, state, or zip)When (daily or weekly emails)Cancel (to go back to the previous screen and not change your alert) If youre actively job searching, its a good idea to get daily alerts so you wont be delayed in applying for jobs. If you get them weekly, the jobs could be filled by the time you apply. Confirming Your Alerts For each alert you set up, youll receive an email confirmation from Indeed. Click on the link in the email message to activate your alert. How to Add New Job Alerts If you want to receive alerts for differen t types of jobs, log in to Indeed and go to the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. Select Alerts from the dropdown, which will bring you to the page where you can manage all of your alerts.Under Create an email job alert enter the keywords (what) and location (where) forwhichyou want to receive job listings. You can also select a radius of miles around the city you selected.Click Create alert and youre done. Upload Your Resume to Apply Quickly You can speed up the applicationprocess even more by uploading your resume to Indeed. Theres also an option for creating a new resume from scratch on the site. Once youve got your resume online, its easy to apply with the click of the Apply Now button. Heres more information to reviewon searching for and applying for jobs on Indeed.com. The more tools you take advantage of, the easier it will be to get hired quickly, so make sure youre getting the most of out of the site to expedite your job search. Beware of Junk Mail Filters T heres one more step to ensure you receive your email job alerts. Add alertindeed.com as a safe sender for any spam blocking software you use, so your alerts dont end up in your junk email or spam folders. How to Pause or Delete Indeed Job Alerts and Your Account When you have found a job or changed the type of position youre seeking, its easy to change your settings. anmeldevorgang to Indeed and click on Job alerts active. Next to each alert, youll see edit - pause - delete. Click on pause to temporarily stop the alert. Click on delete to permanently stop the alert. If you want to turn a paused alert back on, click on resume. If you want to delete your Indeed account, in addition to stopping job alerts, you may see an option to Close My Account when you login. Other options including temporarily pausing your alerts or setting your resume to private. If you cant view these options, contact Indeed Customer Support for assistance. When you arent actively job searching, you also may wan t to delete your resume from the sites where you have posted it on the Internet.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Bad Secret of Restaurant Resume Examples

The Bad Secret of Restaurant Resume Examples Restaurant Resume Examples - What Is It? It is recommended to select a functional resume format that may furnish your prospective employer with valuable details about you. It is essential for you to get an extensive presentation of your professional track record so you are able to be appealing to your intended employer. Make sure you make the info youre looking for. Check to ensure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets concerning application requirements. When you apply, you must read the work description carefully. Especially for you who are looking for the job which you desire. Your probability of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. Even if it only serves food, try not to think less about this job. If you are searching for an effective restaurant manager resume template that will permit you to list your vast work experience in chronological order together with the diff erent duties you have handled at various sections, look no more. Also, its wise to create your resume objective to be targeted like in the very first example, especially in the event the messehostess position you try to obtain was advertised. If you will earn a restaurant steward resume example or a food service resume, think about the employment position level that youre targeting. The second case in point is for applying as a hostess in the whole hospitality sector and might not be effective once the hirer is in need of a hostess with a specific set of skills. If youre serious enough to find the job it is wise to employ a professional resume writer to generate the restaurant manager resume for you. A great restaurant hostess resume improves your odds of being invited for an interview. Your new position for a restaurant manager will undoubtedly require that you execute a variety of technical and administrative tasks. An effective restaurant manager resume ought to be targeted at the specific employer you wish to work with. Working in food service may be a priceless experience. Fast food experience provides you a selection of skills that may transfer into other fields. Producing your resume is important. The food retail company is consistently growing. You wish to turn responsibilities into accomplishments when youre able to. In case you were in a real management position, all duties and duties that showcase your leadership skills ought to be included. The thorough secretary job description can help you. You will probably have several diverse jobs in your career. What You Must Know About Restaurant Resume Examples Continue reading to learn which sample applies to you most and why you ought to use it as you construct your own resume. The secret to an excellent expert experience section is to include achievements and prevent repeating the work description. Knowledge of unique cuisines and ingredients, together with wine and spirits, ought to b e indicated under the abilities and summary sections. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. Sum up your professional experience and provide a statement of how it is possible to utilize your deliverable in order to add value to the operations of the organization. To present a notion on how youre able to add value to the company which you are targeting to be your upcoming employer, provide an impressive resume objective. You should align your abilities and experiences with the specifications of the work post designation which you would like to submit an application for. Letting the restaurant business know that you are able to enhance their operations can provide you higher odds of being considered for restaurant managerial work post. If you work for a big restaurant then there could be scopes to get involved with absatzwirtschaft activities. A restaurant resume example needs to be well-detailed. Going to the restaurant and obtaining a sense of the way the place runs could provide help. A speedy food manager profile can end up being an exceptional career choice for you From server resumes to restaurant manager resumes, it is critical for you to have a robust and total discussion of the things or deliverable which you can offer to the restaurant enterprise. Submit an application for a restaurant managers post in such a manner a recruiter cant reject your resume at all. The job of a server is among the entry points in the restaurant business but its the most challenging one. The Downside Risk of Restaurant Resume Examples If you want to compose a good resume that may help you raise your probability of getting hired, youre in the appropriate place. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Next up is Kenny, that has been working in restaurants for over 12 decades, and would like to revise his resume to take advantage of chances to step up. Measure ingredients neede d for specific food items being prepared.

Monday, December 2, 2019

We are Helix

We are Helix The Helix team is full of collaboratorsscientists, engineers, designers, marketers, and moreworking across four offices to solve complex challenges locked within the human genome. They are biased toward action as they strive to uphold integrity in sequencing, science, and communication. At Helix, transparency, collaboration, and empowerment drive us in all that we do.Click here to check out all of the open opportunities with Helix, and dont forget to press Follow One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or la ying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 1000000 construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel neuerung/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupo n the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentierung techni cians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.